Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Old Port Cove Marina

Wednesday, March 18, 2015
26 49.892 N
80 03.245 W

We decided to move into the marina a day early so we could clean the boat before the rest of the boats arrived for the Rendezvous. A total of 30 boats are expected. Perfect day, not a cloud, hardly a breeze, made backing Tide Hiker into the slip rather easy.

Spent most of the day washing and cleaning Tide Hiker.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Boats really started arriving today. It was fun to watch. Barb and Don arrived about 4 PM. Deidre made a great dinner.

Friday, March 20, 2015

The stabilizer guys promised to arrive today. Today is the first day of the Rendezvous activities. So I left my cell phone number at the door and we headed to the Conference Center. I kept checking on Tide Hiker, but nobody turned up.

Cocktail party with "heavy" h'orderves on the dock tonight. Lots of fun.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Today is our 43rd wedding anniversary and I completely forgot. Not a good start to the day.

The stabilizer guys promised to arrive "first thing" today. I left the same note on the door and headed off to the Conference Center. This afternoon is "open boats" and Tide Hiker is one of the open boats. The stabilizer guys arrived just as people started to visit Tide Hiker. So we had three guys working in the engine room and aft deck with tools and equipment.

The "official" dinner was tonight.

The couple we bought Tide Hiker from - Norm and Vicki on the left.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

This morning Barb and I made our Bahamas presentation to a packed house and critical acclaim! The four of us had dinner with Belinda and Jim ("Rickshaw")

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