Sunday, October 7, 2012

Alligator River

Sunday October 7th, 2012

35 40.447 N
76 03.443 W

By the time we woke up, showered and had some breakfast "everyone else" was gone. What did they know that we did not? The weather looked OK - tail winds but a bit blowy tonight. What was the rush? We had stayed up late Saturday night because we had found a late episode of Doc Martin on TV. 

So we headed out about 8:40 AM, blissfully ignorant. Uneventful start for the day, except that we were abused by some citizen who thought our 5 or 6 knot wake was excessive. That seemed crazy to me. During the night we were woken twice by tugs with giant barges in tow - passing a few feet away (maybe 50', but it seemed close). The wake they churned up was 100 times what we created as we "slipped along". Maybe he was upset just because he had missed Doc Martin?

 We planned 49 miles today to an anchorage in the southern part of the Alligator River. As expected we picked up a little speed from the tail wind and arrived at the target spot at about 3:30 PM. Took us three tries to find the right spot but now we seem set for the night. "Drag Queen" confirms we have not budged. Since then, we have picked up two neighbors, a trawler and a yacht. 
Other neighbor

1 comment:

  1. You're photos are beautiful. I knew the time would come that you were involved with a Drag Queen!
