Monday, October 15, 2012

Bock Marine (Monday 10/15/2012)

Our view
I think I can say I have had enough of the boat yard and am looking forward to getting out of here. Being here is like living in a tree house in a junk yard. We are surrounded by boats in various stages of disrepair. We cannot use our toilets or shower. There is dirt everywhere. Its noisy. We are bored. It is Monday and I doubt if we will be out by Friday.

The yard people are making progress, but its all quite slow. The hull now has two coats of anti-fouling paint. One more to go, but just at the water line.

Working on the running gear
The running gear has received a couple of coats of barrier paint, with anti-fouling to follow. The thru hull strainers have been removed and cleaned and painted and are ready to replace.

The mechanic comes back Wednesday to change out the starboard engine water pump, work on the Glendenning engine synchronizing system and the stabilizer hydraulic oil leak and the suspect starter battery.

The fiber glass guy brings back the repaired muffler Wednesday.

I met the paint guy today and he promised he would be back Wednesday.

I dismantled the davit (the little crane that launches the dinghy) this morning and the mobile came and took it to the sjhop where they will add 12" to the lifting arm.

Removing the davit.
So "its all happening" but it is slow to live through.

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