Friday, October 26, 2012

New Bern - Day 2

The clouds have rolled in but the wind remains calm. The latest NOAA forecast still has the storm center passing Hatteras out to sea, but with New Bern expecting 4" to 8" of rain and only 20% - 30% chance of 50 MPH winds. We have 11 X 1"  lines securing the boat and I am pumping up the fenders. If the wind forecast increases then we will start removing canvas and eisen glass.

Rather a long boring day. Deidre spent a couple of hours touring the "Tyron Palace" and I stayed on the boat adjusting lines.

This evening we visited friends boat for drinks and snacks, and ended up staying till 10 'ish playing a silly dice game called "Farqual". The weather was calm over night.

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