Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Tuesday October 9, 2012
35 01.778 N
76 40.892 W

Today's efforts did not provide much to write about. Monday night was wet and breezy and very dark, but the anchor did its job and we enjoyed a good nights rest. The run to Oriental was about 49 NM which is a full day ahead of us. The wind was North and North West so we had it on our stern most of the way, especially as we crossed the Pamlico river estuary. Deidre is now used to some excitement each day, and found the today quite boring, so much so that she gave up and went back to bed.

The most exciting moment of the day was when a "sister ship" passed in the opposite direction. We called them on the radio and had a chat.

We were tied up at the marina in Oriental by 4PM and were pleasantly surprised at the newness and quality of the place. Their loaner car was available and we headed into town for some dinner and some shopping.

Wednesday morning we met some nice people on the dock - a retired Methodist minister and his wife! They were really fun people and invited us to meet them for dinner next week! I will have to be on best behavior if that happens.

Tomorrow we head for the yard. Its only about 15 miles so it will be an easy day.

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