Thursday, October 4, 2012

Cape Charles

Thursday October 4, 2012
37 15,866 N
76 01.051 W

Leaving the "marina"
We were up at 6:30 AM and underway by 7:00 AM. Low tide was at about 9:00 AM so we wanted to ride with as much of the ebb as we could as we went south. (Turns out we had a favorable current until about 10:30 AM - beats me, I just steer the boat.) I enjoy leaving early, except for the getting out of bed part. The water is usually so still, reflections on the water so beautiful and the coffee seems to taste twice as good.

We had about a 40 mile run to Cape Charles, and it was an uneventful trip. We were all tied up by 1:00 PM and after "doing all the chores" went for a stroll around town, ending up at the local coffee shop for a couple of lattes. We decided against eating in town - Deidre promised spaghetti and meatballs!.

The port Cape Charles was once the southerly terminus of the Eastern Railroad and rail cars were loaded onto barges and pulled over to Norfolk. The rail facilities are still here but look out of use.

We plan to leave early again tomorrow. We will be crossing the Chesapeake again and passing thru the Hampton Roads port area, which gets a bit busy. I hope to get some better photos of all the Navy boats with my new camera. I understand there are two of the Reagan class aircraft carriers in port.

The ramp and the rail barge

1 comment:

  1. You are really in my old stomping grounds as a child! We used to go to Hog Island for picnics when I lived there in 1963-1965
