Saturday, October 13, 2012

Bock Marine (10/13/2012 and 12/14/2012)

The boat yard does not work on the weekend so we were looking forward to a couple of "days off". After a leisurely breakfast Deidre headed of in the car to do some shopping and I cleaned up in the engine room. After a quick lunch we headed of to explore New Bern, about 40 miles away.

Floating Art Museum
New Bern was settled by Swiss immigrants in the 1700's. It is located at the head of the Neuse River and was once a busy port. Deidre and I looked at New Bern back in 1996 when we were planning our move from Valparaiso. We decided against New Bern when we discovered that the river water was polluted by effluent originating from all the pig farms up state! Since we were looking for a place on the water, this nixed the deal. We have been told the situation has been reversed, but I am not going for a swim.

We were pleasantly surprised to discover that this weekend in New Bern was "Mum Fest" (as in chrysanthemums) and the whole town was decorated with mums and set up as a street fair.There was also a "floating art gallery" visiting the port. It was really fun, I think it was the biggest street fair we have ever seen.  I bought Deidre a fishing rod, cleaning knife and hook remover. Deidre bought stuff for Kylie and her Mum. We stayed in town for dinner. Was a good day.
Street Scene
Banana pancakes for breakfast. After cleaning up we drove to Willmington for the day. It was a fun but not inspirational day.

Deidre made tuna patties and salad for dinner. After dinner we watched "Upstairs, Downstairs" and "The Midwives" and "Wallender". Definitely the best part of the day.

Pumpkin Fair

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