Friday, October 5, 2012

Great Bridge

Friday October 5, 2012
36 43.282 N
76 14.506 W

We really nailed the tides today. Underway at about 7:30 AM and rode the ebb south east across Chesapeake, then as the tide turned rode the flood up the Elizabeth River. All this "speed" turned to nought when we were delayed first at the Gilmerton lifting bridge because of a maintenance issue and then later at the Great Bridge Lock because of an accident. (Sad story: apparently a grand father took his grand son fishing at the pool in front of the lock. We do not know the details yet, but apparently they both drowned. The lock was closed while the police recovered the bodies.)

 As we approached Hampton Roads we noticed an aircraft carrier in the distance behind us. We slowed down so she would catch up and we could watch her being docked. Once she was inside, we kept our distance and the security people ignored us as the ship was met by four tugs, was stopped, turned 90 degrees and pushed backwards into a slip.

There is just so much "hardware" here that its hard to take it all in. Further up stream we came across the USS George H Bush. This is a new super carrier and seemed twice as large as the little guy we saw docking.

Tugs doing their thing.
The navy yards extend for miles along the river. We saw  every type of navel vessel that I could imagine. There are dry docks and floating docks and giant cranes, warehouses and floating billets for the sailors and repair crews. I cannot imagine why we need any more ships - how many are enough? (I suppose when we finally run out of money we can sell some to the Chinese.) Cool stuff, nevertheless.

We ended up anchoring with a bunch of boats in the approach to the Great Bridge lock while we waited, but after an hour or so we got the "green light".
George H Bush

Locking through was uneventful and we tied off to the canal bulkhead as soon as we were through the lock. This is a popular stop. It is also historical - another one of those places where a ragtag bunch of patriots held off the pride of the British army in 1775. (I think I saw the movie.)

There were still TV crews hanging around as we secured the boat.

South bound traffic waiting at the lock

North bound barge at Great Bridge

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