Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bock Marine (10/10/12 thru 10/12/12)

Wednesday October 10, 2012
34 49.430 N
76 41.376 W

We are officially "on the hard" and tide Hiker is ready for her "spa treatment".

We arrived at Bock Marine early after lunch. To our surprise they did not have a pump-out and we did not want to take 40 gallons of "you know what" ashore, so we backed out and headed 3 miles back to another marina. It was a very tight fit for us but we eventually got in and out and back to Bock. The staff were waiting dockside and very shortly Tide Hiker had "her ass in a sling" and was out of the water. Deidre and I were a bit nervous, but it seems they have done this before and all was well.

Running gear
I thought there was a lot of growth on the hull but the consensus was just "average". The crew scraped off 90% of the barnacles and power washed the whole underwater skin. To my eye the zincs look a bit worse for wear, so I will get those off tomorrow and order replacements. The hull will also be inspected tomorrow and the scope of work decided.

Bow thruster tunnel
The boat has been "parked" in the yard and hooked up to water and electricity. We have a ladder to get on and off the boat. We are allowed to let shower and washing up water just spill onto the ground. It all sounds a bit grotty, but there are about 15 occupied boats in the yard at present. It feels a bit like living in a tree house.

Thursday October 11, 2012

The guys were back at it first thing this AM sanding the hull and the running gear. The hull is now looking a bit pock marked but the running gear is starting to look shiny. I removed all the zincs and have purchased replacements. Tomorrow I think we will see paint!

Deidre and I hitched a ride to town and picked up our rental car and did some shopping and touring. Tonight we are driving into town for dinner.

Friday October 12, 21012

The first coat of paint went on the hull today. Second coat goes on Monday. The running gear is as shiny as a new penny. There are several other jobs now under way:

1. The port muffler has some pin-hole leaks. It was removed today and taken to the shop.
2. The mechanic installed the two raw water "upgrade kits"
3. The mechanic decided the starboard fresh water circulating pump was leaking and needs to be replaced. We ordered the replacement and will have it next week.
4. We found a small diesel leak emanating from the site gauge tap on the Starboard-Aft fuel tank. Not too sure how we will handle that yet.
5. The stabilizer control has a leak - not sure what happens next
6. We are planning to replace the Starboard starter battery

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