Monday, October 22, 2012

Bock Marine (Saturday October 20 to Monday October 22)

Please note I have put an end date in the title to our happy stay at Bock. Today (Monday) I gave Kenny Bock a "suggested" schedule to get us out of here Wednesday.

The weekend was totally uneventful. We went to a Movie Saturday night. We went out for breakfast Sunday.

Today the new valve for the Avon and the new site gauge for the stabilizer tank both arrived and I installed them. At present neither appear to be leaking. The paint man sprayed the finish coat on his repairs and has promised to return to buff it tomorrow (Tuesday). The vented loop was installed.

The starboard muffler is rebuilt and I expect it to be installed tomorrow. That means we can be relaunched by lunchtime and Deidre and I can start cleaning the boat. I have requested the mechanic for Tuesday afternoon to install the new battery and work on the Glendenning. Then we will be DONE

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