Monday, October 29, 2012

New Bern - Day 5

9:00 AM Report
Monday October 29, 2012

Last night was the same as the one before - breezy and rainy and cool, but not uncomfortable. This morning is basically the same, but at the moment its not raining. The surge seems to have dissipated

The 6 of us went out for breakfast and to review plans. As a result we have decided to delay departure from New Bern to early Wednesday morning. The wind forecast for Tuesday included mention of 45 MPH which is out of our collective comfort zone. The forecast for the remainder of the week is still not particularly good because Sandy is turning west, and therefore this area will remain in the "tropical winds" radius for some time to come. It really is a large storm radius. We need to get a couple of hundred miles south, and away from her influence ASAP.

We walked through town today to get some fresh air. No sign of damage, although it was apparent that the river level had risen over one of the local parks and made a bit of a mess.

been Pot luck dinner on Jon & Bonnie's boat.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you continue to do well and are weathering the storm! Abby was told not to go to work today and hunker down! Those ropes don't seem very thick to keep you tied down!
    We'll be thinking of you.......Kylkie and Ryan too!
