Monday, April 17, 2023


TUESDAY  4/17/23

Today the 4 of us visited the Pont Du Gard and continued onto Nimes so Don and barb could visit the Roman Arena. While they were in the arena Deidre and I found a spot in the sun and enjoyed some refreshments.

From the other side of the river.

We had a hard time finding a parking spot when we arrived back in Uzes and ended up parking a record distance from home. Its a different world.

I have been wanting to have dinner at a real French restaurant and tonight was the big night. It was not quite as delightful as I had hoped for. There was only 3 choices for the main course - "veal sweet meats" "white fish on peas" and "lamb something or other". We all avoided the "sweet meats" Barb had the "white fish on peas" Don and I tried the lamb. (This is the first time I have eaten lamb since we were married, and that was no accident.) Deidre bailed out and settled for a salad appetizer. 

Barb received a piece of boiled fish with white sauce, sitting on hard peas. The lamb did had a bit more variety but the lamb was under done with a blob of fat somewhere in it that I rolled around in my mouth while I looked for a pot plant. 

For desert Deidre and I chose "pavlova" and it was little, but good. Saved by the Aussies!

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