Tuesday, April 11, 2023

DAY 6: Quiet day in Uzes

 Tuesday April 11, 2023 (Today - I am catching up!)

I decided to take some photos of our stairs, since I understand these were also built by the Romans in the first century. They were designed to tire out the slaves before doing battle in the Arena.  We enjoy 15 steps up to the living area from the street, and another 31 between the living area and the only toilet. 

You can see Kylie hiding on the right

Looking down from the toilet to the living area. 

We started our "quiet day" with breakfast at home. Not much to report, except that I am very disappointed with French muesli. Unfortunately I bought a big bag.

Then we headed of to have a look at the Cathedral (Saint-Theodont), the Ducal Palace and the river park. I am not much of a Cathedral looker, so I sat outside in the sun (trying to sort out my phone) and the girls went in to have a look  Not much to report except that the "12 stations of something" were all gold.

The Ducal Palace has been around for about 1,000 years and has been the fortified home of the Dukes of Uzes since then until now. There is a tour available, but unfortunately the door was locked without explanation when we arrived (after a 30 minute uphill walk!) So we went and had lunch. I had a "Galette" (which is a folded buckwheat crepe that is folded over with savory goodies inside.) and it was OK, but not great. 

Deidre headed of home, Kylie and I went for a walk in the park down by the Alzon River. 

Smelling the roses

Geoff: Please tell me what this says

My girl


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