Friday, April 28, 2023

DAY 23: Cascades du Sautadet and La Roque-sur-Ceze

 Friday April 28, 2023

We were up to speed a little earlier today and by 11:00AM we were actually in the car. Deidre had found mention of  some "cascades" (which we had interpreted as a waterfall) within a reasonable distance from home. We thought we could buy a baguette and some goodies in a local village and enjoy lunch next to the falls. The day was about as good as it could be - sunny, warm and just a breeze. We have been very lucky with weather so far.

As usual, the drive was quite pretty, with plenty of poppy fields.

Low and behold, as we reached the falls we could not avoid noticing another of the very attractive "village on a hill". This one called La Roque-sur Ceze and apparently rated as "one of the most beautiful in France." The approach was very steep so I drove as high as I could into the village (in fact not that far), dropped Deidre off and headed back to find parking. 

It was way too steep for Deidre so we spotted a nice restaurant in the sun and decided to forget the picnic and treat ourselves. We selected a table for two in the sun and waited for some attention, which arrived fairly soon. To our disappointment we were advised that they were not serving  on the patio, and that we were required to come inside. That was not to our liking so we had a look around the village (as much as we could manage) and headed back to the car and went looking for baguettes.

Definitely narrower than Uncle Arch's driveway

Too steep for Deidre

No baguettes could be found but we did see a lone restaurant with a sign for crepes, and settled for that - in the sunshine. I visited the Gents as I was leaving, but could not figure out the sign over the urinal. Maybe Geoff can help. 

After lunch we headed back to the falls and had a look.

Not Niagara, but a pleasant walk. There were ruins of the old mill in the area.

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