Friday, April 21, 2023

DAY 16: A visit to Les Baux-de-Provence

 April 21, 2023

This morning we headed off to Les Baux-de-Provence, which is a "really really old" village and fortress on top of a very steep hill. (Yes, another one.) It was about an hours drive away. 

Don and Barb had visited in their previous life and recalled it as a quiet and interesting place. But 25 years later it was bustling with tourists. We dropped the girls off near the village and headed of to park the car - about a mile away - and walked back - uphill.

It certainly was an interesting place, if not a bit touristy. In effect, visiting this part of France seems all about finding different and interesting places to have lunch, and after a bit of a walk around that is what we did. And a bit of shopping. Overall it was another charming place. 

Our lunch spot was on the side of a cliff or wall. We had crepes for desert.

There were lots of steep hills and stairs but Deidre did really well.

And I added Trebuchets to my vocab.

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