Friday, April 21, 2023

DAY 15: Visit Saint-Quentin-la-Poterie

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Quiet morning. Don and I went for a walk down to the local river/park/gorge. 

Later in the morning we headed north (just a few miles) to Saint-Quentin-la-Poterie. Apparently this village was the local source of pottery. Of course we arrived around midday when everything was closed. So, of course, we found a delightful café in the sun and enjoyed a long lunch. 

Only a few places opened (It's not summer yet!) and after 15 minutes we were done. We walked around the village a bit then headed home.

Barb headed of to a local laundry-mat with her washing. It rained on her way home.

Deidre made Shepard's Pie for dinner. She had to compromise the contents a bit, but it was great. All 4 of us agreed it was the best dinner so far in France. Oh dear!

Friendly dog.

I asked Deidre to stand under the arch, but she declined.
Wise girl.

Last night Margaret and Geoff called from Australia. They are recovering well. Good news. 

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