Monday, April 10, 2023

DAY 4: Exploring Uzes and Finding the Pont de Gard

 Sunday April 9, 2023

It was Easter Sunday so we did not know what would be open. Kylie does not drink Decaf so we headed 100 steps to the "square" at the end of our street. It was bustling with several bar/restaurants and lots of street seating. It looked like fun to me. 

We chose a place and ordered coffee and asked for a menu. Turns out we were too late for breakfast and the kitchen did not reopen until 2:30PM. So we sent Kylie running and she came back with three hot crepes.

We decided over breakfast that is was time to start exploring (Kylie leaves on Thursday). Pont de Gard was the closest feature of note (its only 14 km away) so with Kylie's help we found the car, gave up our precious parking spot and headed south east. The drive was charming and we stopped for some photos.

The countryside is really amazing

Pont de Gard turned out to be a bust - at least initially. We expected a small half empty parking lot but we found completely the opposite, and filled with cars. We did manage to find a spot, but found out it was a big walk to the aqueduct, and Deidre is not a big walker. So we decided "Maybe another day" and headed out. But Ky could see the river on the Google map and suggested approaching from another angle on a few dirt roads, and that's what we did. We got as close as we could to the river, and started to walk on a trail. Very soon thereafter ......... we started hearing the sounds of a big festival and found ourselves at the "back gate" and so wandered in.

Seems like it was a large and well attended "performance" fair. Bit like a farmers market for want-be performers. Strange but interesting. We wandered through and found the aqueduct.

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