Sunday, April 16, 2023


 April 16, 2023


After another slow breakfast we decided to get moving so found the car (not always a simple matter now that Kylie has left us) and headed off to a "big" supermarket that Deidre had discovered. It was about 10 miles away. And it turned out to be very large, like a Walmart Super Store and it was open - most of Uzes is shut down for Sunday. Deidre had a list that she split with me and eagerly sought out the goodies we were missing. Five minutes later we were told to exit  because the store closed at 12:30PM. We paid and left with a few things. Another item for the "I did not expect that" list.

We happened to be across the road from a McDonalds, and it was about lunch time, so we decided to have a meal that we would fully understand. Bacon burger with a small fry and coffee. Just like in the USA we decided not to do that again.

The French countryside is just wonderful so we decided to go for a drive. Deidre picked out "the prettiest village in France" - Lussan - and we found it on Google and got under way. (Using Google maps in France is great, but our "guide lady" is American and so pronounces the French names with American phonetics. So Nice ("neese") becomes "nice" etc. 

The country highways around us are typically narrow with two lanes, and often lined by large elm trees. (Deidre thinks they are elm, I have no clue.) They are beautiful to see, but certainly choke the road and would be fairly "final" to hit at any speed.

In the French countryside the little towns are often on a hill with the catholic church on the top. Lussan is just like that, but a bit to the extreme. Its quite a steep hill, mostly surrounded with cliffs, and in effect a small walled city. It has been well looked after and quite charming. 

We had to park below the village and climb an access path. We wandered around the perimeter road for a while then into the village center, and goodness gracious,  there was a bar and coffee shop for us to take a well earned rest.   

Deidre does not like dogs, but for some weird reason dogs are attracted to her. While we were enjoying our coffee and cake, a nice dog brought over a stick, dropped it on her shoe and asked he to toss it. Once she started the dog enjoyed is so much that she (the dog) did not want to stop. I eventually stuck the stick in her collar so we could sneak away while she (the dog) searched for the stick. 

On the way home we noticed a new housing development. French architects are obviously very imaginative. "Wow, two windows on the top floor! Let's buy that one honey!"

The "standard"

The "deluxe" with "his" and "her" doors (or maybe an in-law sweet?)

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