Sunday, April 23, 2023


Sunday April 23, 2023

Overall, the drive south and east to Saint Tropez was 20% local roads then 60% freeway, the last 20% on a narrow winding road thru the coastal ranges down to the town. As usual, the weather was sunny with blue sky and a coolish breeze. 

At about 50% of the overall distance we exited the freeway and popped into Aix-en-Provence for lunch. (We had fun watching a TV series called "Murder in Aix") and so were motivated to "pop in" and check out the setting. Sweater on in the shade and off in the sun. We were only in town for a couple of hours.

Robert taking a photo of Deidre taking a photo in AIX

Robert holding in his gut in AIX

Lunch in AIX

Main drag in AIX

We were back on the freeway by about 3PM. With about 20 miles to go we were off the freeway onto a single lane (each way) road that wound its way thru the coastal mountains to the Mediterranean and Saint Tropez.  It surprised me that such a well known resort would be served by such a minor road. But there was not much traffic and the drive was quite scenic.

In Saint Tropez there was a decent amount of parking along the coast and reasonably close to the "old town". We wandered along the coastal path and took in the busy view. Great people watching, but still no Brigitte Bardot. I was expecting lots of fancy boats plus some  Russian oligarchs, but not so much.

Of course we stopped for a snack in a fancy place and to watch the people coming and going. It was way to expensive, so we just had a drink each and some guacamole and chips (and maybe a pavlova to share) and then waited for our bill with my usual "L'addition, pour favor, mate". (Being multi-lingual, I tend to get my languages confused.)

But we waited and waited and waited. He just never came. We needed to get going, so we decided to speed him up by packing up our stuff and leaving. That worked better then I expected and he was a bit upset and his English improved.  My phone told him "Nous pensions que tu etais alle au lit". 

Our hotel was on the other side of the bay. It was a small Best Western and very nice, but we did not get a view of the bay. But there was a patio on our floor at the front of the hotel, and that provided a great view.

 We walked into Sainte-Maxime for dinner and it was OK.

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