Friday, November 30, 2012

Back on board - Friday 11/30

Pilot House Seating
Jet lag kept us in bed till the upholstery guy arrived with our new cushions and canvas. An hour later the boat was all decked out and looking pretty flash. Deidre and I are both happy with our choices and the workmanship.

The neighbors then turned up for a tour and stayed till about 3PM. Good fun, but put us a little behind in our schedule for the day. I headed off to Kylie's to resume varnish work, Deidre unpacked and headed off to do "a big shop". Its now after 7PM and she has not returned. I have filled a page with my "to do" list.

Bridge Seating
We plan to depart Wild Dunes on Monday. I need to find a marina in Florida where we can leave the boat when we drive to Houston for Christmas with David and family.

Back to the boat - Thursday November 29, 2012

Our flight was at 11AM and we were out of the house by 8AM. We do not expect to be back for another 6 months so we had to be very sure not to "leave the gas on".The biggest issue re long term storage in Arizona is lack of humidity, so we left with half a dozen 5 gallon buckets filled with water strategically spread around the house, plus the bath and all the basins filled. We even went to the trouble of "sealing" the toilets with cling wrap so that they did not dry up while we are away. (We did this when we left in March 2012 and all the buckets had dried up, and one toilet that had been unsealed.)

Oliver and Lucy - Grandpets
When we dropped of the rental car we noted that we had driven 1,300 miles in 9 days, just to and from Anthem and running around Phoenix. No wonder we felt a bit road weary.

Our flights were all on time and Kylie, Ryan and Oliver met us in Charleston Airport. They discovered today that their baby is a boy. We were back on the boat by about 8:30PM and in bed shortly thereafter.

Anthem - Wednesday November 28, 2012

Once again we were "up and at it" early, picking up the o-ring at the Scottsdale pool store when it opened at 9AM. The pump went together OK and the leak was reduced to a dribble - but this time from another place. (I decided to fix that "next visit" as we were out of time). Now that the water was circulating we were able to do the first water test and start getting the pool chemistry going in the right direction.

We took the broken pump to a "pump guy" in Phoenix and headed home. We needed to pack and start closing down the house..

Anthem - Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The day did not start well - one of my many crowns fell off in the shower. But first I had a 9AM doctor's appointment for a physical, followed by a quick visit to Dr Dick (our dentist friend) at 11AM to get the crown glued back on,  after which I raced back to Anthem to get Deidre. She had follow up appointments at Mayo and I was scheduled for lunch with Danielle at AmazingMail.  We were back together again by about 2:30PM and headed for the house.

It took an hour or so to swap the waterfall pump to replace the bad pump that serviced the filter. But when I fired it up it leaked like a sieve. It needed a new "o ring" which I did not have, and once again we were running out of time. We were meeting Bill and Tonni at 5PM for dinner and a movie. So we resolved to solve the problem in the morning and changed cloths in the car. The movie "Lincoln" was pretty good.

That day we drove about 200 miles.

Anthem - Monday November 26th, 2012

Unhappy Pump
Deidre needed to be at the Mayo Hospital for her annual check-up at 8AM so we were on the road fairly early - its about 40 miles from Anthem. I picked her up at 10:30AM and dropped her off at a friends "for coffee" while I visited Bill and Ben at GlobeNet. Then we were both back at the house to check the pool and start working on the water chemistry. Lo and behold, the pool circulating pump then chose to freeze up. Nothing I could do, I had no tools. So we tossed a couple of gallons of chlorine in the pool and headed out. Deidre was meeting friends from school at 4PM and I was meeting friends from AmazingMail at 5PM. The pump would have to wait.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Anthem - Sunday November 25th, 2012

Washing the pool walls
We were up early (for us) and picked up the rental pump at Lowes at 8:00 AM. We had the pump in the pool and running by 8:30 AM and headed out to breakfast. It would take about 4 or 5 hours to pump out the pool. Back by 11:00 AM and the water level was well down. I had purchased a "pressure wash" head for the hose (I will use it on the boat to clean the anchor chain when we return) and I washed the algae off the pool walls as they were exposed. By 2.00 PM the pool was empty and scrubbed clean and we started the refill. The refill will take 24 hours or more, so we will return tomorrow to test the water, add the chemicals and get the filter running.

Anthem - Saturday November 24, 2012

The pool leak guy called today and advised that the pool has to be clean before they can test it for leaks. So we decided that we had to pump out the pool and refill it to eliminate the current algae problem. Will do that Sunday.

Dinner in Prescott, AZ
Bill and Tonni picked us up at about 3:30 PM and we drove about 75 miles to Prescott for their Christmas Light Parade. We had an early dinner on "Whiskey Row" before the parade. The parade was OK, but a bit wimpy  We stopped in Black Canyon for coffee and pie on the way home.

Anthem - Friday November 23, 2012

Very quiet day. Today is the infamous "Black Friday" for shopping. We went to the local "Outlet Mall" just to see the crowds, but it was not too bad. I bought 4 new tee shirts.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Anthem - Thursday November 22, 2012

I have omitted comments on our Wednesday activities because it was just a bunch of running around. Also, no need to make comments on the weather - you can assume it continues to be perfect. And the gas was turned on so now we can have hot showers at home.

Today is Thanksgiving. We started the day with early breakfast with Australian friends who live in Scottsdale - Kerry and Julian. Good fun. Kerry wants to come boating with us. Then back home for a couple of hours and then over to Bill and Tonni's for the big dinner. It was a giant feast, as is the tradition, and we ate too much, which is also the tradition. We are now back home feeling guilty.

Deidre just completed a load of washing. She is impressed that she achieved this:
1. without bumping her head
2. without needing to walk backwards down steps
3. without tripping a breaker.

I wonder what she is trying to tell me.

Anthem - Tuesday November 20, 2012

I was up early and drove over to the Community Recreation Center for a shower. Then met Bill for breakfast in his neighborhood - was good to see him. We had a good chin wag for a couple of hours. Continued on to AmazingMail and enjoyed a good chin wag with Danielle and various staff. Then off to 5451 to look at the pool problem. The tenant thinks there is a leak and she might be right. Then back home to pick up Deidre for our double date with Dr. Dick our dentist. I have a molar that is bothering me - I was expecting a root canal but I think Dick will decide to pull it Monday.

Stucco damage
Back in Anthem I arrived just as the water man was turning on the water. The toilets now flush themselves! Then visited the Community Association office and got a recommendation for a handyman to fix the damaged stucco. The handyman arrived not 30 minutes later and quoted $200. Great deal!

That evening we had dinner with Dick at the Macaroni Grill - Deidre's favorite.

Anthem is about 25 miles north of Scottsdale and today the rental did 3 complete round trips - about a 150 mile day.

South West to Phoenix - Monday November 19, 2012

We drove in convoy with Ryan to drop off the rental then he took us to the airport. The flight was on time, a good thing because the connection was very tight in Houston. No time for lunch.

The flight arrived Phoenix on time about 2:30 PM local time and we picked up the rental. It was a typical perfect Arizona day. We drove straight to the Arizona Pizza Kitchen at Desert Ridge Mall for lunch. I have been pining for one of their salads ever since we left. Just cannot get a decent salad on the East Coast. We stopped at Safeway for some basics and then opened up the house.

It was a bit weird - nothing had moved for 9 months. Like a time capsule. The only item of note was some damage to the garage wall where some motorist had crashed into it. We had been previously advised by our bug man.

We had electricity but the water and gas were off, so I loaded some 5 gallon buckets with water and flushed the toilets and filled the tanks while Deidre got the refrigerator running, opened windows and  ran around with the vacuum. We were in bed by 8 PM.

Wild Dunes - Sunday November 18, 2012

Another miserable cold, wet and windy day.

Breakfast out with Mark and Donna at the Sea Biscuit - good fun. Rest of the day cleaning up the boat and preparing for our trip west. Bill and Laura called in and we gave them a key to the boat. They will keep an eye on Tide Hiker while we are away.

Kylie and Ryan came for a farewell dinner - jambalaya, yum.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Wild Dunes - Saturday November 17, 2012

Kylie called just as Deidre was making pancakes - so Kylie and grand-dog visited for breakfast. Its another cold and windy day - upper level winds from the NW bringing all that Canadian cold down south.

The clock is ticking down so now its tidy-up and clean-up time. Deidre gave the steps another coat, I repaired the attic access moulding  for maybe the 20th time. Spent most of the day on the FB working on attaching the canvas and adding to the varnish - aesthetics are out the window, its just weather proofing now. Now that the new WiFi aerial is working, I can move the MiFi to the salon for the laptop, just need to figure out how to re install the MiFi aerial.

Deidre and Kylie went baby shopping this afternoon. Out for dinner with Bill and Laura from "Kindred Spirit" tonight.

Wild Dunes - Friday November 16, 2012

Today was designated "rest day" so we started by going out to breakfast at the "Sea Biscuit" and then driving  to North Charleston to check out progress on our upholstery job. To our dismay nothing had been done and the fabric had not even arrived. But they are still promising November 30 delivery.

Since we were up north we called in on Kylie at work. We had a quick hug, but the "Regional Manager" was visiting so she was "looking busy". We did a bit of clothes shopping at the mall before we headed back. I got a haircut and visited the bank.

Wild Dunes - Thursday November 15, 2012

Still cold but we seem to have a break from the rain for the moment. So we decided to re install the canvas and isen glass on the bridge since the varnish project cannot proceed in this weather and we need to start thinking about securing the boat in anticipation of leaving for Phoenix on Monday. It went on OK but we could not connect 1/4 of the fasteners because the isen glass was so stiff in the cold. Next time the sun comes out (?????) we will make another effort.

I had to cajole the a/c guys back to 21 YH. They did not want to work in the rain, but we need to get the job wrapped up this week. They agreed to do the job for only $900 and I have paid them 50% up front so I need to keep them motivated. I continued working on the steps and the yard while they were at  the house. They had an accident when lifting the air handler into the ceiling - no one was hurt but we now have a 6" hole in the wall that I will have to fix. They finished the installation at about 6PM and I was happy with the work.

It's the one on the left!
This afternoon the "driver" for the new wifi aerial arrived via FedEx. The installation worked OK and we are now picking up a score of wifi broadcasts. It seemed to select the strongest and access speed seems pretty good. Cross off another project.

Deidre's back has been bothering her since she returned from Australia. She has been going to a chiropractor three times a week since Beaufort, and is getting some relief but she is still not "cured". She carries her x-rays on a CD from port to port. She picked up my laptop from the laptop doctor on her way back to the boat after her appointment today, and I am happy to have it back.

Ky came over for dinner tonight. She is working hard, gets tired, but otherwise her pregnancy seems to be progressing nicely. She is now 14 weeks along.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wild Dunes - Wednesday November 14

A cold front passed thru last night with rain and a big temperature drop. The rain messed with some of our new varnish on the bridge, so it will have to be redone.I met the a/c guys over at 21 YH this morning. While they worked I gave the 5 steps another coat and then spent an hour or so trimming trees and taming the growth behind the house.

Gene Taylor delivered the repaired  alternator cowling to the boat while I was away - I installed it when I returned and it went on like a dream. That felt so good! Another job crossed off!
We had another "super tide" today. At the peak this morning the water was only 18" from the top of the bulkhead, and about level with the sidewalk. the ramp from the floating dock to the bulkhead was about flat. Another decade of global warming and our house will really be waterfront!
Very high tide

Later in the day

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Wild Dunes - Tuesday November 13, 2012

Some success at last.

The varnish on the steps was not much harder this AM than when we left it last night. So I just attacked the pieces with sand paper, re-coated them and put them in the sun. This afternoon they were reasonably dry and hard, and looking OK. Who knows what is going on, but it looks like we can coat them again tomorrow and have a decent result.

The offending relay
I have called 3 electricians and none of them have responded or turned up. So I decided to install a new relay myself. And guess what - it worked - so I can now start the engine in the engine room - but still not in the Pilot House. Yesterday a friend suggested I investigate the "neutral-safety" wiring and lo! I found a loose connection and once it was secured the engine could be started from the Pilot House. Amazing.

My posting on Craig's List has resulted in a dozen or so responses. I have been culling them out and I am now down to two. So it looks like that job can be crossed off this week.

So we knocked of early and heading off to another boat for a cocktail.

Wild Dunes - Monday November 12

We were all keen to give the steps another coat of varnish - but it did not dry over night. Weird. So we put them in the sun and tried to get into other jobs. At 4PM we took them into one of Ky's rooms to see if the inside dry air would help.

The wifi aerial/antenna project is still stuck on the software. I have called customer service 4 times now and they do not seem to have a solution. So they are expressing me a copy of the software on a disc (A bit 20th century if you ask me!) to see if that will load.

My sanitation project is still at a standstill. I have been emailing and calling Raratin (the manufacturer) but they are located on the NJ coats and are just not answering the phone or emails. I am wondering if they are actually functioning after Sandy?

 I spent a couple of hours sanding on the fly bridge in anticipation of varnish - but I am a bit spooked about what product to use when ready. It has to dry for the canvas to go back on.

Good news re my lap top - it is recoverable and I will have it back Wednesday.

Dinner at the Taylor's.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Wild Dunes - Sunday, Veterans day, November 11, 2012

Sorry, I am having trouble keeping up with the blog. I am a bit frustrated, each day seems about the same, I have a bunch of projects underway and none of them seem to be getting done. The smallest amount of progress seems to involve 20 steps and several hours. We leave for Phoenix in a week.

This morning started with friends at the Sea Biscuit for breakfast. Good fun. It was a warm and sunny day.

Then back to the step project. We sanded, applied "teak cleaner" and "teak brightener" and dried them in the sun, and then applied the first coat of varnish. These six little steps have taken us the best of two days to prepare for varnish. Oh well, at least it seems we can finish the job. So far so good.

I came back to the boat and started the teak work on the bridge railings. Deidre spent an hour or so with Kylie and then returned to the boat and told me to knock off. So I did.

Wild Dunes - Saturday November 10, 2012

Today we started the process of re-varnishing the steps that I had taken off the boat earlier in the week. We took them over to Kylie's garage where we could work on a bench. First we tried a chemical "paint and varnish remover" but it was too wimpy and the going was just too slow. So I assembled my braising torch and we got most of the old varnish off by heating it with the torch.Deidre is getting quite good at this.

The new a/c units for Kylie's house had been delivered last Tuesday. Today I unpacked the parts and started planning the job. I also advertised on Craig's List for some help.

Dinner at home - quiet day.

Wild Dunes - Friday November 9, 2012

Picked up the canvas/isen glass and stored it on the boat deck, awaiting completion of the varnish project.

I mounted the new wifi aerial on the bridge superstructure and started snaking the cable thru to the computer in the RPH. I was able to borrow a snake from one of the other boats. Its a messy business and involves removing access panels and crawling into small places. After a few hours work I was able to plug it into the back of the computer in the RPH. Maybe I had actually finished a project? But no. The "driver" I had downloaded from the vendor's website requires a password, so I will have to wait till Monday.

Deidre and I spent 30 minutes in the engine room with my amp meter trying to figure out the problem. The end result is that I don't believe my initial diagnosis is correct, and I have decided to hire an electrician. I called and left a message.

I called the sanitation vendor ("Raritan") twice today with no response. I will try again Monday. They are located in NJ so were affected by "Sandy". I will be patient.

Tonight we went to the movies and saw "Flight". It was a real downer and we do not recommend it.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wild Dunes - Thursday November 8, 2012

The canvas guy called to say he had cracked some of the Isen Glass and we needed to have a look. On the way back we went to Lowes and bought paint for the floor in the Vee berth.

Deidre and I vacuumed the water out of the forward bilge, its a messy job. I wish I knew how the water gets in. It does not amount to much, and it is "fresh" and does not smell, but it is annoying. I then installed the new "High Level" sender on the waste tank and sanded and then painted the top of the tank so it looked better. Deidre is going to paint the sub floor in the Vee berth.

After putting it "all back together again" I activated the sanitation system ....... and it still does not work. I will call the vendor in the morning.

Wild Dunes - Wednesday November 7

We slept in until about 10.00 AM, a first for several weeks. The weather here is pretty cool, so bed is cosy.

This morning we removed the canvas and Isen glass from the flying bridge. The stitching is ripped in three places that we can see. We piled it into the car and took it to a canvas place.

Deidre had an appointment to get her hair cut and to see the chiropractor (Her back is still troubling her.) While she was doing that I made a run to the bank, to West Marine and Walgreens for our prescriptions.

Wednesday night we went to Dunleevys Pub for dinner with boat friends.

Wild Dunes - Tuesday November 6, 2012

I located the right "O" rings at the marine store and picked them up. Back in the bilge they they seemed to fit, but I had confused the location of the pieces in the valve. That took an hour to sort out.

I removed the 7 deck steps. Deidre is going to strip and re-varnish them.

Tuesday night we were invited to join the Taylors (Kylie's in-laws) for dinner to celebrate Nelma's birthday. They are really super people, and Gene and I get on well. He is a very genuine and generous person. Back in May he had built a stainless alternator shield for the port engine and the top tab had fatigued and broken over the last 6 months. He had offered to re-weld it and I had it with me in the rental. He also offered to help me with the starter relay.

After dinner Deidre and I stayed up to watch the election results. Obama was declared the victor by 11:30PM and we went to bed.

Wild Dunes - Monday November 5, 2012

Deidre drove to Enterprise and picked up a car for the next two weeks. I had made the reservation the night before, and always reserve the smallest and cheapest car - because they never have them available and so you get upgraded at no more cost. It always works - just not this time. Its a "Masda 2" and tiny. Deidre called and told me that our cushions (that we were taking to the upholsterer would never fit.

While she was away I got into the sanitation system. I tried to remove the valve that was leaking without success - the hoses just would not come off. So I took it apart in situ and removed a couple of O rings that might have been the issue. I called Deidre and asked her to pick up replacements on the way back. She did so, but none of them would fit. Meantime the boat took on a bit of an "odour du jour".

I was determined to get the cushions in the car so basically took out the rear seats and shelf and folded down the passenger seat and got them in. The problem then was that there was now no seat for me so I climbed in the hatch and managed to squeeze in between the cushions and the ceiling. We set off and arrived safely. We spent about 2 hours looking thru sample materials and made a decision.

Monday night we had Kylie, Ryan and a neighbor (Chris Pavlin) over for dinner. Chris runs Charleston operations for a large shipping company and he is taking his wife and daughter to Pusan this week to launch a 100,000 ton ship - to be named after his daughter. Wow!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wild Dunes Marina - The projects begin

·         Replace port engine starting relay
·         Replace wiring and inline fuses
·         $100
·         Pilot House seating
·         Flying Bridge
·         Covers
·         $2000
·         Repairs and restiching
·         $200
·         Install  replacement Hi-level indicator
·         Repair or replace leaky valve
·         Clean and paint tank top
·         Flush and vacuum forward bilge
·         $50
·         Fix mounting
·         Replace cable?
·         $?
·         Remove, refinish and reinstall
·         $50
·         Purchase and install
·         $200
·         Clean and inflate
·         Remove, repair & replace
·         Repair or replace
·         $500
·         Reshape
·         Repair broken louver
·         Replace
·         $150
·         Redo
·         $50
·         Repair and replace
·         Investigate  new parts

Monday, November 5, 2012

Wild Dunes Marina, Isle Of Palms, SC

Sunday November 4, 2012
32 48.254 N
79 45.409 W

Daylight saving ended today so we were up an hour "later" and watched the sun come up. We had enjoyed a peaceful night after a great dinner on "Bon Voyage". Since we all had a guaranteed slip at the IOP there was no particular hurry, which turned out to be a good thing as the tide seemed to be running against us 80% of the way. We were soon out of the Cyprus forest and into coastal the marshes, so typical of South Carolina.

Wild Dunes Marina
We arrived at Morgan Creek at about 4:30 PM and Kylie, Ryan and Oliver were on the dock to greet us. There were now 4 boats in our convoy, all staying at the Wild Dunes Marina on Morgan Creek. It took an hour or so till they were all settled in, after which we 4 retired to the house for a chili dinner that Ryan prepared for us.

Tide Hiker will be at Wild Dunes for a month. On November 19 we are flying to Phoenix to attend to a few issues (mostly doctors and dentists) and catch up with friends. We will be celebrating Thanksgiving at Bill and Tonni's - and we have a lot to be thankful for.
Dawn Butler Island

In the mean time we have a page and a half of boat projects to complete. I plan to keep a record of the work - which will not be very entertaining for anyone but me. Sorry about that!

FYI: If you click on the Marina image it should expand to fill your screen. Tide Hiker is moored on C dock, which is the 4th from the left. Kylie and Ryans place is the house between the "C" in Yacht Harbor Ct" and the golf course.

Back in SC

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Behind Butler Is, SC

Saturday November 3, 2012
33 25.573 N
79 12.529 W

Jumper on remote start relay
Today started off a bit hard but ended well.Same problem - the port engine would not start. When I investigated, I found the fuse blown. I replaced it with the same result. I upped it to 30 amps (from 15) with the same result. There was a "engine handyman" on the dock and I got him out of bed to have a look. We agreed that the device this "in-line fuse" was supplying was probably a bit wonky (some sort of starter relay switch) and pulling too much current, but we thought that if we just "shorted out" the fuse we might get a couple of starts out of it. So we built a little jumper and wammo - the engine roared to life. Will need to make a permanent solution in Charleston.

Three rafted together
Easy day today, just 38 NM and it was a delightful voyage. Not a cloud in the sky, no wind and the temp probably managed to make it into the 60's. Most of the miles were in the Waccamaw River which is a wide and deep river in spectacular wilderness area. We stopped in one of my favorite anchorages and all three boats have rafted together. Bonnie made pork tenderloin for dinner on Bon Voyage and a good time was had by all.

I am writing this blog as we run the gen to boost the batteries before bed.

Friday, November 2, 2012

North Myrtle Beach, SC

Friday November 2, 2012
33 48.082 N
78 44.718 W

The port engine would not start this morning (and it is usually the most cooperative of the two!). It simply would not crank, just no sign of life, even using the start switch on the engine. I was confident the battery was OK so it had to be (according to my  bookkeeper instincts) a loose connection. Of course the starter and associated equipment is all located between the engine and the forward gas tank so I crawled in and tried to figure out the starter circuits. This was way over my pay grade, but you never know....

Low and behold I found an in-line fuse that was obviously blown. I checked on the other engine, found the same device, and swapped out the fuses. The engine started! We had spare fuses some where so after some digging we had both engines running and we were on our way at about 9 AM. Our friends had passed our marina at about 7:45 AM so we were a little behind the pace.

It was a long but relatively uneventful day's ride. There were some shallow spots and a couple of bridges, but the biggest problem was the sun. Most of our course were South West and that is exactly where the sun is at this time of year, or that is how it seemed. I had to watch the road but my eyes were so dulled by the sun I could not see the instruments. So Deidre and I had to team up and call courses back and forth.

This was made more difficult because the chart plotter seemed to be having a bad day also and we had to "compensate" for some obvious (like telling us we were ashore) and some less obvious errors. But we made it to our destination - Barefoot Landing in North Myrtle Beach - without any scratches.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Wrightsville Beach, NC

Thursday November 1, 2012
34 09.445 N
77 51.384 W

More groundings and more broken things!

Deidre and I were up early today as we needed to get ahead of the convoy and pick up fuel. I had been researching fuel prices for a while - its worth while when you buy 500 plus gallons at a time - and I had found this odd place (its a RV park!) in NC that seems to be $0.25 less than everyone else. It was 20 miles ahead, and so we wanted to leave an hour or so ahead of the group so we could cruise together for the rest of the day.

We were up at 6:45 AM and underway at dawn and all went well till we arrived at the first "moving" bridge (some "lift" and some "swing"). It was scheduled to open every 1/2 hour and we arrived with a few minutes to spare, only to discover it was not functioning! We were delayed 45 minutes. As you can imagine quite a few boats had backed up by then (2 openings worth) and we all had to dance around each other in the narrow channel with a knot of current and 10/15 MPH of wind. The bridge was eventually opened "manually" (whatever that means, we did not see any people pushing it) and we were on our way, but next going thru the process of sorting out all the boats by relative speed.

The refueling at "New River RV and Marina" went perfectly well and we left with a full tummy of fuel - 800 gallons in all. Better still, our friends were also held up at the same bridge for the same reason, so the "cruising plan" was intact. We still had 3 more moving bridges to make. And a problem in this part of NC is that some open every 1/2 hour but some open only once an hour! And we had two of those ahead of us.

It soon became apparent to us that we would "miss" the next bridge at "Surf City" and there was no choice but to slow down and take 1 3/4 hours to make 3/4 of an hours progress. What a drag, cruising at 3 kts, even when you are retired.

We are being followed!
But our friends caught up with us and we got thru the bridge and set a brisk pace to make the next bridge at "Figure Eight Island". At least until the other two boats BOTH went aground. Tide Hiker lucked out (quite surprising when you realize we were now carrying almost 3 tons of fuel) and scooted right through the bad part. Of course, being a nice guy (even tho we were all running for the next bloody bridge opening) we executed a u-turn to go back and render emotional support. At which point we also ran aground. Not good.

The problem seems to be that the recent storms have messed up the ICW and there is shoaling all over the place. Being an expert now, I was able to wriggle back into deep water, but the other two boats were well and truly stuck and had to call for help. After some back and forth we took off for the next bridge (What else could we do? They were not sinking!). But we missed the bridge anyway, but rather than waiting we decided that the tide was out and if we lowered some aerials we might be able to sneak under. With everything down we need about 22' and there was 23' under a 20' bridge. We made it.

Island, Palm Tree and Pelican
Meanwhile, after a couple of false starts the tow boat got both "Gotta Smile" and "Bon Voyage" off the bottom, but they were now an hour behind us. At this point the Chart Plotter on our Flying Bridge decided not to work. It was getting windy, it had been a long day, so we decided to take a marina for the night.

PS: We have reluctantly decided to retire our Aussie ensign. It is just too beat up to fly. I took it down this evening. We will arrange an appropriate cremation when we arrive in Charleston in a day or so.