Sunday, November 25, 2012

Anthem - Sunday November 25th, 2012

Washing the pool walls
We were up early (for us) and picked up the rental pump at Lowes at 8:00 AM. We had the pump in the pool and running by 8:30 AM and headed out to breakfast. It would take about 4 or 5 hours to pump out the pool. Back by 11:00 AM and the water level was well down. I had purchased a "pressure wash" head for the hose (I will use it on the boat to clean the anchor chain when we return) and I washed the algae off the pool walls as they were exposed. By 2.00 PM the pool was empty and scrubbed clean and we started the refill. The refill will take 24 hours or more, so we will return tomorrow to test the water, add the chemicals and get the filter running.

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