Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wild Dunes - Tuesday November 6, 2012

I located the right "O" rings at the marine store and picked them up. Back in the bilge they they seemed to fit, but I had confused the location of the pieces in the valve. That took an hour to sort out.

I removed the 7 deck steps. Deidre is going to strip and re-varnish them.

Tuesday night we were invited to join the Taylors (Kylie's in-laws) for dinner to celebrate Nelma's birthday. They are really super people, and Gene and I get on well. He is a very genuine and generous person. Back in May he had built a stainless alternator shield for the port engine and the top tab had fatigued and broken over the last 6 months. He had offered to re-weld it and I had it with me in the rental. He also offered to help me with the starter relay.

After dinner Deidre and I stayed up to watch the election results. Obama was declared the victor by 11:30PM and we went to bed.

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