Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Wild Dunes - Monday November 12

We were all keen to give the steps another coat of varnish - but it did not dry over night. Weird. So we put them in the sun and tried to get into other jobs. At 4PM we took them into one of Ky's rooms to see if the inside dry air would help.

The wifi aerial/antenna project is still stuck on the software. I have called customer service 4 times now and they do not seem to have a solution. So they are expressing me a copy of the software on a disc (A bit 20th century if you ask me!) to see if that will load.

My sanitation project is still at a standstill. I have been emailing and calling Raratin (the manufacturer) but they are located on the NJ coats and are just not answering the phone or emails. I am wondering if they are actually functioning after Sandy?

 I spent a couple of hours sanding on the fly bridge in anticipation of varnish - but I am a bit spooked about what product to use when ready. It has to dry for the canvas to go back on.

Good news re my lap top - it is recoverable and I will have it back Wednesday.

Dinner at the Taylor's.

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