Friday, November 30, 2012

Anthem - Monday November 26th, 2012

Unhappy Pump
Deidre needed to be at the Mayo Hospital for her annual check-up at 8AM so we were on the road fairly early - its about 40 miles from Anthem. I picked her up at 10:30AM and dropped her off at a friends "for coffee" while I visited Bill and Ben at GlobeNet. Then we were both back at the house to check the pool and start working on the water chemistry. Lo and behold, the pool circulating pump then chose to freeze up. Nothing I could do, I had no tools. So we tossed a couple of gallons of chlorine in the pool and headed out. Deidre was meeting friends from school at 4PM and I was meeting friends from AmazingMail at 5PM. The pump would have to wait.

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