Thursday, November 22, 2012

South West to Phoenix - Monday November 19, 2012

We drove in convoy with Ryan to drop off the rental then he took us to the airport. The flight was on time, a good thing because the connection was very tight in Houston. No time for lunch.

The flight arrived Phoenix on time about 2:30 PM local time and we picked up the rental. It was a typical perfect Arizona day. We drove straight to the Arizona Pizza Kitchen at Desert Ridge Mall for lunch. I have been pining for one of their salads ever since we left. Just cannot get a decent salad on the East Coast. We stopped at Safeway for some basics and then opened up the house.

It was a bit weird - nothing had moved for 9 months. Like a time capsule. The only item of note was some damage to the garage wall where some motorist had crashed into it. We had been previously advised by our bug man.

We had electricity but the water and gas were off, so I loaded some 5 gallon buckets with water and flushed the toilets and filled the tanks while Deidre got the refrigerator running, opened windows and  ran around with the vacuum. We were in bed by 8 PM.

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