Thursday, November 22, 2012

Anthem - Tuesday November 20, 2012

I was up early and drove over to the Community Recreation Center for a shower. Then met Bill for breakfast in his neighborhood - was good to see him. We had a good chin wag for a couple of hours. Continued on to AmazingMail and enjoyed a good chin wag with Danielle and various staff. Then off to 5451 to look at the pool problem. The tenant thinks there is a leak and she might be right. Then back home to pick up Deidre for our double date with Dr. Dick our dentist. I have a molar that is bothering me - I was expecting a root canal but I think Dick will decide to pull it Monday.

Stucco damage
Back in Anthem I arrived just as the water man was turning on the water. The toilets now flush themselves! Then visited the Community Association office and got a recommendation for a handyman to fix the damaged stucco. The handyman arrived not 30 minutes later and quoted $200. Great deal!

That evening we had dinner with Dick at the Macaroni Grill - Deidre's favorite.

Anthem is about 25 miles north of Scottsdale and today the rental did 3 complete round trips - about a 150 mile day.

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