Thursday, November 22, 2012

Anthem - Thursday November 22, 2012

I have omitted comments on our Wednesday activities because it was just a bunch of running around. Also, no need to make comments on the weather - you can assume it continues to be perfect. And the gas was turned on so now we can have hot showers at home.

Today is Thanksgiving. We started the day with early breakfast with Australian friends who live in Scottsdale - Kerry and Julian. Good fun. Kerry wants to come boating with us. Then back home for a couple of hours and then over to Bill and Tonni's for the big dinner. It was a giant feast, as is the tradition, and we ate too much, which is also the tradition. We are now back home feeling guilty.

Deidre just completed a load of washing. She is impressed that she achieved this:
1. without bumping her head
2. without needing to walk backwards down steps
3. without tripping a breaker.

I wonder what she is trying to tell me.

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