Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Wild Dunes - Tuesday November 13, 2012

Some success at last.

The varnish on the steps was not much harder this AM than when we left it last night. So I just attacked the pieces with sand paper, re-coated them and put them in the sun. This afternoon they were reasonably dry and hard, and looking OK. Who knows what is going on, but it looks like we can coat them again tomorrow and have a decent result.

The offending relay
I have called 3 electricians and none of them have responded or turned up. So I decided to install a new relay myself. And guess what - it worked - so I can now start the engine in the engine room - but still not in the Pilot House. Yesterday a friend suggested I investigate the "neutral-safety" wiring and lo! I found a loose connection and once it was secured the engine could be started from the Pilot House. Amazing.

My posting on Craig's List has resulted in a dozen or so responses. I have been culling them out and I am now down to two. So it looks like that job can be crossed off this week.

So we knocked of early and heading off to another boat for a cocktail.

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