Saturday, November 17, 2012

Wild Dunes - Thursday November 15, 2012

Still cold but we seem to have a break from the rain for the moment. So we decided to re install the canvas and isen glass on the bridge since the varnish project cannot proceed in this weather and we need to start thinking about securing the boat in anticipation of leaving for Phoenix on Monday. It went on OK but we could not connect 1/4 of the fasteners because the isen glass was so stiff in the cold. Next time the sun comes out (?????) we will make another effort.

I had to cajole the a/c guys back to 21 YH. They did not want to work in the rain, but we need to get the job wrapped up this week. They agreed to do the job for only $900 and I have paid them 50% up front so I need to keep them motivated. I continued working on the steps and the yard while they were at  the house. They had an accident when lifting the air handler into the ceiling - no one was hurt but we now have a 6" hole in the wall that I will have to fix. They finished the installation at about 6PM and I was happy with the work.

It's the one on the left!
This afternoon the "driver" for the new wifi aerial arrived via FedEx. The installation worked OK and we are now picking up a score of wifi broadcasts. It seemed to select the strongest and access speed seems pretty good. Cross off another project.

Deidre's back has been bothering her since she returned from Australia. She has been going to a chiropractor three times a week since Beaufort, and is getting some relief but she is still not "cured". She carries her x-rays on a CD from port to port. She picked up my laptop from the laptop doctor on her way back to the boat after her appointment today, and I am happy to have it back.

Ky came over for dinner tonight. She is working hard, gets tired, but otherwise her pregnancy seems to be progressing nicely. She is now 14 weeks along.

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